
Which is why Luda's appearance at the Vibe Awards confuses me. He says:
"The discussions that have been sparked after my performance of 'Georgia' at the 2005 Vibe Awards is my exact reason for wearing a depiction of the Confederate Flag," said Ludacris via a statement. "This flag represents the oppression that we as African Americans have endured for years; this is a symbol of segregation and the racism that reigned not only throughout the South but throughout the entire United States.
"I wore it to represent where we came from, to remind people that Ray Charles' original 'Georgia' was written because of that racism," he added. "At the end of the performance, I removed and stomped on the flag to reveal my version of the flag; a flag comprised of black, red and green. Those are the colors of Africa. It is a representation and my interpretation of where we were and where we need to go."
Each to his own I guess.
Despite criticisms of Luda,
"Georgia" is still one of my favorite songs to come out this year, although I really wish they kept the original Ray Charles sample.
And not to nitpick, but "Georgia On My Mind" was originally written about a woman by Stuart Gorrell and Hoagy Carmichael in 1930. The song wasn't officially associated with the state until Georgia adopted it as the state song in 1979.